Other selected ads from the Engine Lathes category, listed For Sale by Machinery Values Inc. | Id/Ref 19631 153839 | 1981 Used 16 Swing 60 Centers Tos SN40A ENGINE LATHE, Inch/Metric, 3-Jaw, Trav-A-di | Make: Tos | Model: SN40A | Price: $5,500.00 | Ad Status: OPEN |
 | Id/Ref 19628 153826 | 1990 Used 13 Swing 40 Centers Bridgeport-Romi 13-5 ENGINE LATHE, Inch/Metric,Acu-Ri | Make: Bridgeport-Romi | Model: 13-5 | Price: $7,500.00 | Ad Status: OPEN |
 | Id/Ref 19554 153593 | 1970 Used 31 Swing 156 Centers HES JUPITER 830 ENGINE LATHE, Inch/Metric,Gap,Trak D | Make: HES | Model: JUPITER 830 | Price: $27,500.00 | Ad Status: OPEN |
 | Id/Ref 19075 152482 | 1991 Used 25 Swing 120 Centers Tos SN63C ENGINE LATHE, Inch/Metric,Gap,Sony DRO,3-J | Make: Tos | Model: SN63C | Price: $24,500.00 | Ad Status: OPEN |
 | Id/Ref 18952 151893 | 1971 Used 46 Swing 108 Centers LeBlond Type 4628 Heavy Duty ENGINE LATHE, 60 HP, Fa | Make: LeBlond | Model: Type 4628 Heavy Duty | Price: $99,500.00 | Ad Status: OPEN |
 | Id/Ref 18662 150947 | New 16GA GAUGE 52 WIDTH Baileigh SBR-5216 SHEAR, BRAKE, ROLLS, manually operat | Make: Baileigh | Model: SBR-5216 | Price: $2,295.00 | Ad Status: OPEN |
 | Id/Ref 18661 150946 | New 20GA GAUGE 52 WIDTH Baileigh SBR-5220 SHEAR, BRAKE, ROLLS, manually operat | Make: Baileigh | Model: SBR-5220 | Price: $1,595.00 | Ad Status: OPEN |
 | Id/Ref 18659 150943 | 1966 Used 15 Swing 30 Centers LeBlond Regal ENGINE LATHE, Threading, 3-Jaw, Phase I | Make: LeBlond | Model: Regal | Price: $3,950.00 | Ad Status: OPEN |
 | Id/Ref 18638 150857 | 1957 Used 52 Swing 192 Centers American J-6 Pacemaker ENGINE LATHE, Hardways, Taper | Make: American | Model: J-6 Pacemaker | Price: $97,500.00 | Ad Status: OPEN |
 | Id/Ref 18632 150845 | 1982 Used 26 Swing 96 Centers LeBlond REGAL Servo-shift ENGINE LATHE, Inch/Metric,T | Make: LeBlond | Model: REGAL Servo-shift | Price: $32,500.00 | Ad Status: OPEN |
20GA GAUGE 40 WIDTH Baileigh SBR-4020 SHEAR, BRAKE, ROLLS, manually operat 18660 / 150945, Make: Baileigh, Model: SBR-4020 Listed on this page by Machinery Values Inc. equipment in category Engine Lathes 1981, 16 Swing 60 Centers Tos SN40A ENGINE LATHE, Inch/Metric, 3-Jaw, Trav-A-di, Tos, SN40A 1990, 13 Swing 40 Centers Bridgeport-Romi 13-5 ENGINE LATHE, Inch/Metric,Acu-Ri, Bridgeport-Romi, 13-5 1970, 31 Swing 156 Centers HES JUPITER 830 ENGINE LATHE, Inch/Metric,Gap,Trak D, HES, JUPITER 830 1991, 25 Swing 120 Centers Tos SN63C ENGINE LATHE, Inch/Metric,Gap,Sony DRO,3-J, Tos, SN63C 1971, 46 Swing 108 Centers LeBlond Type 4628 Heavy Duty ENGINE LATHE, 60 HP, Fa, LeBlond, Type 4628 Heavy Duty 0, 16GA GAUGE 52 WIDTH Baileigh SBR-5216 SHEAR, BRAKE, ROLLS, manually operat, Baileigh, SBR-5216 0, 20GA GAUGE 52 WIDTH Baileigh SBR-5220 SHEAR, BRAKE, ROLLS, manually operat, Baileigh, SBR-5220 1966, 15 Swing 30 Centers LeBlond Regal ENGINE LATHE, Threading, 3-Jaw, Phase I, LeBlond, Regal 1957, 52 Swing 192 Centers American J-6 Pacemaker ENGINE LATHE, Hardways, Taper, American, J-6 Pacemaker 1982, 26 Swing 96 Centers LeBlond REGAL Servo-shift ENGINE LATHE, Inch/Metric,T, LeBlond, REGAL Servo-shift. If you are looking for equipment and do not have much time for search post your FREE wanted ad to be displayed on MachineKs.com website and have your needs transferred to hundreds of machinery dealers. If you have equipment for sale and want to offer it to the Buyers, sign in to MACHINEKS.COM |
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